
Wednesday 28 March 2018


Check out Angel's blog post about Tony from Attitude who came to speak to Team 5 students.
Today we had a guest come into team 5 and tell us about things we need to know.

My favourite part about the attitude talk is which animal am I?Like what kind of attitude do you show in class like are you a entertainer which is a otter.Or are you a lion a director,A Golden Retriever  is a peace maker last of all a beaver which is the facilitator. I reckon I will be a lion because sometimes I  will direct people around especially to my siblings.

What should we do when were doing dumb things.We should dump our dumb ideas and focus on good things not going around the class and being a clown that's how you don't get anywhere in life.When were doing dumb things we could get over board and try and do something very bad so that's the reason why we should dump our dumb ideas.

Try new things? When your in a group and there's something new going on try it out.You would probably get use to it for a couple of mins trying new things out is great it could help you with your learning.If you don't try new things out that will be kind of boring because your just gonna stick to the things you know and that's dumb I reckon we should try out new things.

these are my three points about how tony had talked to us about our attitude and all sorts of things like What animal am I,who am I,am I normal,all those kinds of things I reckon the attitude talk is important to me because I wouldn't know which animal I will when I grow up in the future.

Try the personality test for yourself by clicking on the link/picture below:

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