The Waititi reading group read the story, Something Alive this week. It lead to a lively discussion around the issues of being bi-racial and the importance of knowing your culture and doing your best to keep it alive. Read Pisirina's thoughtful review of the text.
Title: Something Alive
Summary of book: It is about this girl and her unknown heritage. When I say ‘unknown heritage’, I mean she doesn’t know much about her Japanese side. She gets comments and question that questions her identity and she can’t answer any of them because she doesn’t know enough about her japanese culture. She doesn’t fit in the crowd with her controversial appearance. She then is encouraged by her Grandmother to learn more about her heritage because there is something alive in her that is starting growing.
My thoughts: I liked this book because it shows the point of view of a person who struggles from everyone’s comments on she really is and how she looks. I can somehow relate to this, because at first impression most people think I’m tongan from the way I look. I might look tongan but just because I look tongan it doesn’t mean I’m tongan. I think that’s how I can connect with this character with some experience.
Recommendations : I personally would recommend this to those in the age group from 9 years to 13 years of age because I think it would be good to read this at the age of 9 so that if this ever happens to you then you can have an idea on what to do and you can just carry on as normal. It is also good to help you develop a good skill which is being empathetic and it is easy to read because it is a comic book.
I’ve learnt … : I learnt that we should be respectful of each other not just by actions but verbally. We never know if just a small question like ‘Where are you from’ can be harsh for the person you are asking. I think if we just think before we talk then there will be less hate comments on others and it will bring peace to the world!
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