
Thursday, 2 April 2020

Easter Learning Journey - Special objects for Travelling - JAZZELLE, SIMON

What special object would you would travel with? Find out what Jazzelle and Simon would pack to take with them. 

Malo e lelei and greetings my name is Jazzelle and I'm an Year 8 student who loves reading books sometimes. Today what I have in my hand is an book that is named Salt&Stone this book is about how One hundred and twenty-two began and only sixty-four remain, There's two characters in here and it is Tella and her brother so Tella made it through the first terrains of the Brimstone Bleed but the contest isn't over yet. If she wants to save her brother, she must face the fierce ocean and the icy mountains, all for the chance of winning the cure, If I were to go on a long trip in the car with my family I would bring this book with me because it has Four-Hundred and Ten pages in this book which I'd be able to read on an long trip, it would be also interesting to find out weather she had won and she had got her brother back.

Today I'm gonna finish tasks that I forgot about. This activity is for the Easter Learning Journey. I have to take a photo of my self with one special items that I would bring when I'm travelling. I chose my Nintendo switch, because while in my car I could be able to play some games! That's what I would bring if I'm travelling.

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